Affiliated to the Royal Horticultural Society
For members joining or renewing for 2025, the membership fee is £8.00 by Cash or Cheque to our Membership Secretary or online by Credit or Debit Card.
Membership runs from 1st January to 31st December each Year. Anyone join after 1st September will be enrolled until 31st December of the following year.
To Join go to our Membership Application page.
To renew online by credit or debit card go to your Renewals page on the membership system and sign in using your registered email address. Renewals open on 1st September each year. Alternatively download a Renewals form and send it to the Membership Secretary with your Cheque or Cash.
If you would like to make a donation to the Society funds, that would always be welcomed. Donate Here.
At £8.00 a year, the cost of membership is low and comes with many benefits including over 20 activities each year. If you are under 16 years old, we have a Junior membership at £1.00 a year, enabling you to participate in the majority of the Society's activities. Join after 1st September and your membership will run to the end of the following year.
We normally hold 9 Meetings each year with top class speakers giving talks on a wide range of horticultural topics with the occasional talk of general interest. Often over 100 members attend these Meetings. These monthly meetings are free to Members and there is a modest £1 charge for visitors (Open Meetings Only) (refunded if you join on the evening). Watch this website and our Facebook page for details.
We hold three Flower and Produce Shows each year where any member may exhibit. Our Show Schedule details the classes for exhibits and gives guidance on showing. All members are encouraged to show over a range of categories including Flower, Vegetables, Fruit, Floral Art, Cookery, Photography and Handicrafts. There are Junior Classes for Junior Members and the children and grand children of Members. Junior members may also enter the adult classes, however their age will not be taken into account.
There is normally a programme of 8 monthly Coach Outings to Gardens and other places of interest from April to October and one leading up to Christmas.
Over the years, as well as our regular meetings, we have hosted special evenings with many well known gardeners such as Sarah Raven, Christine Walkden, Fergus Garrett, Chris Beardshaw and Pippa Greenwood.
If you are interested in becoming a member or wish to find out more, please contact the Membership Secretary using the Contact Us form or go to Membership Application page or see the Calendar of Events.